大多數人對於 公共廁所 Public Toilet 的衛生感到畏懼與疑慮,充滿細菌的門把、馬桶座上的污漬都讓人看了覺得害怕。不過現在是時候一窺究竟,因為美國電視節目邀請到專家在公廁採集樣本化驗,一起來看看有哪些驚人的發現 




Most people wince at the thought of using a shared toilet, with door handles potentially riddled with germs and dubious looking stains on the seats...


Now, however, experts have revealed the best ways to try and remain as germ-free as possible.

Investigators from the American TV show The Drs took swabs from inside public toilets and sent them to a laboratory for analysis.


They found that contrary to popular belief, the cubicle closest to the toilet door is the cleanest - probably because most people avoid using this one.

And surprisingly, they found that the toilet seat is actually the cleanest part of most public toilets.

This might be because people put tissue down on the seat before sitting on it, or they might dab the seat before they leave so as not to embarrass themselves, guests on the show suggested.







Toilet paper dispensers, however, were found to be riddled with bacteria.

There was 150 per cent more bacteria on the toilet paper dispenser than on the toilet seat, the checks revealed.

This may be because people with faeces on their hands reach for toilet paper and touch the dispenser.


那麼最骯髒的地方會在哪呢...?  答案是廁紙架





They advise using a paper towel to turn on a screw top tap, so as not to touch it and pick up bacteria.

People should ensure they wash with water and antibacterial soap, and dry their hands with a towel or some paper tissues, they said.

Then, people should use the paper towel rather than their hands to turn off the tap.

For the super careful, they advise opening the bathroom door with a towel or using their elbow, to avoid bacteria spreading to the hands.











1.  There can be more than 1,000 resident bacteria per cm2 on your hand.



2.  By encouraging hand washing, illness can be reduced by 30 – 50 per cent.  勤洗手可以有效降低30-50%疾病傳染的機率。


3.  Under optimal conditions, bacteria can grow extremely and can double every 20 minutes.  在理想的情況下,細菌生長迅速,每20分鐘就加倍成長。


4.  Damp hands spread 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands.



5.  Contaminated hands regularly transfer viruses to many different surfaces or objects.  不潔的手能將病毒傳遞到多種物體的表面。


6.  Bacteria can stay alive on hands for up to three hours. 



7.  Many bacteria grow best at a temperature of 37°C – our body temperature.  許多細菌的生長在攝氏37度最活躍-相當於人體的溫度。


8.  The typical office worker’s hands come into contact with 10 million bacteria per day.  一般的辦公室上班族平均每天接觸100,000個細菌。


9.  Face or hand cream tubes in handbags can have more surface bacteria than the average toilet seat.  包包中攜帶的乳液瓶所攜帶的細菌量平均比馬桶座圈還多。


10. Handles of handbags are home to more bacteria than the average toilet seat.  手提包的把手通常都比馬桶還要髒。






Restroom / Bathroom 化妝室
Men's room 男廁
Ladies' room / Powder room 女廁
Lavatory (飛機) 廁所
Public Toilet 公共廁所 
Cubicle 廁間
Toilet seat 馬桶座圈
Toilet paper dispensers 廁紙架





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